November 16, 2014

 halloooo..... CL mau post drama CL waktu praktek SMA dulu..
gomen, kalo bahasa inggrisnya kacau balau :( tapi ini murni CL sendiri yang bikin :D No plagiat hehe
semoga bermanfaat :)


In front of the school gate in the noon
Angga             : “ Hn...”
Arisa    : “ Have you finished it ?”
Angga : ( Nod ) “ I’m sorry for make you waiting long.”
Arisa    : “It’s ok. Let’s go home. “

Angga and Arisa leave the school
Arisa    : “ How’s today ?”
Angga : “ it’s pretty fun.”
Arisa    : “ But,,,unfortunately, we’re not a class now.”
Angga : “ Hm...”
              “ Be calm down, Arisa. We can still play together like before.”
Arisa    : “ Are you promise ? Ok, so you may not to forget me.”
              “ Ne-ver.”
Angga : (Nod)

The next day at the school park

Angga : “ Arisa “
Arisa    : “ What’s up, Angga?”
Angga : (silent)
Arisa    : “ Hello, Angga ? Are you OK ?”
Angga : “ Do you know Karin?”
Arisa    : “ Karin ? Your classmate, right ?”
Angga : “Yeah “
Arisa    : “ She is so popular. Why ?”
Angga : “ What do tou think about her ?”
Arisa    : “ I don’t really know her. Maybe she is kind, funny. Pretty. And I don’t know more.”
Angga : “ Really ?”
Arisa    : “ Yeah, maybe. Why ?”
Angga : “.....................”
Arisa    : “ Oh no, come on Angga. Don’t daydream.”
Angga : “ I think,,, I’m fall in love with her.”
Arisa    : “..........................”
Angga : “ What do you think ?”
Arisa    : “ aaa... If so, go ahead, friend. Fight for your love !”
Angga : (Nod) “ I’ll see her now.”
Arisa    : “ Good luck. Ganbatte ne !”

In the Angga’s class

Angga : “ Karin, I wanna talk something important with you.”
Karin   : “ Angga ?”
Angga : “ Hm “
Sisil     : “ Cindy, come on follow me to the canteen. I’m so hungry, bunny.”
Cindy  : “ Hell yeah, What’s bunny ?”
Sisil     : “ Come on, Cindy.”
Cindy  : “ just eating, eating, and always eating that you are thinking about.”
Sisil     : “ Ssssst.... Karin, Angga. I’m sorry, we want to go to the canteen, Bye.”

Angga sit down beside Karin
Angga : “O.K. Listen to me. I won’t repeat what I’ll say.”
Karin   : “ Eh ? mmmm, Ok. I do”
Angga :  “ It’s the first time for me. I wanna you know that I loved you for the first time I saw you. So, Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
Karin   :” What ? Are you serious ?”
Angga : “ What do you think ?”
Karin   : “ Oh, I’m sorry. I just surprised to hear that.”
Angga : “ Just answer, yes or no.”
Karin   : “Wooow “
Angga : “............”
Karin   : “ OK, I think.. I will acceept you because I love you too.”
Angga : (smile)

Arisa’s house
Arisa    : “ Karin ?” She’s so pretty and popular. Do you love her, Angga ?”
                 Yeah, I wish you will happy with her and I....
                 It’s Ok. I’m alright.”
Tasya   : “ ARISA”
Arisa    : “ What’s wrong ? Why are you screaming like that ?”
Tasya   : (laughing) “ Angga is here now and he wants to meet you.”
Arisa    : “ Really ?”
Tasya   : “ Hey, do you think I’m a liar ?”
Arisa    : “ yeaah, sometimes “ (laughing)
Tasya   : “Hurry up. He waits you.”
Arisa wake up and immediately she feels dizzy but she don’t care.

Arisa    : “ Hi, Angga.”
Angga : (smile)
Aris     : “ mm,,, you look so happy.”
Angga : (No respon)
Arisa    : “ Come on, tell me. What’s happened ?”
Angga : “ Guess what ?”
Arisa    : “ Oh no, come on. I don’t want to play it now. So tell me.”
Angga : “ No, Arisa.”
Arisa    : “ It’s not good.”
Angga : “ Haha..  look your grim visaged. So bad.”
Arisa    : “ Ish... It’s not funny.”
Angga : “ Ah, Ok... Please dont be angry. I’m just kidding.”
Arisa    : “ So ?”
Angga : “ So, what ?”
Arisa    : “ Oh, no please Angga...”
Angga : “ Ok Ok... You know. I’m so happy now because Karin accepted me.”
Arisa    : “............ Congrats Angga.”
Angga : “ Thanks, so I will treat you for some food you want after school.”
Arisa    : “ Are you serious ?”
Angga : “ Of course. Wait me at the park like usual after school.”
Arisa    : “ OK.”

After schooling
Arisa    : “ where are you Angga ? Please don’t be late.”

An hour later
Arisa    : “ Oh no, your number is unactive too. Be patient, Arisa. He will come soon.”


Karin   : “ Honey, thanks for today. It’s so beautiful day.”
Angga : “ Sure.”
Karin   : “ I’m pleased, you always with me.”
Angga : “ I’m too.”

Immediately, Angga stop his steps.
Karin   : “What’s happened, honey ?”
Angga : “ I forgot something. I have appoinment with Arisa.”
Karin   : “ Arisa ?”
Angga : “ Yes, she’s my bestfriend.” (look at the watch)
              “ I’m sorry Karin. I have to go now.”
Karin   : “ No, you can’t. What about me ?”
Angga : “ Forgive me, I’m so late now. You can go home self. Please, understand  me.”
Angga run away leave Karin

Karin   : “ Anggaaaaaaa “
              “ Shit,,, Arisa.. Always that girl. You always make me angry Arisa. Look Arisa, I will settle you.”

At park where Arisa is
Angga : “ Arisaaaaa “
Arisa    : “ Hi, Angga. You have come.”
Angga : “ What the hell. Why are you waiting for me. You should go home if I didn’t come.”
Arisa    : “ No, Angga. I believe, you will come.”
Angga : “............”
              “ Forgive me.”
Arisa    : “ It’s ok.”
Angga : “ It’s better if we’re home now. I’m sorry, We’ll go next time.”
Arisa    : (Nod)

Knock the door
Tasya   : “ Hi, You’re home.”
Angga : “ Forgive me, Tasya. I’m late take Arisa home.”
Tasya   : “ It’s ok. I believe in you. Come in, Angga.”
Angga : “ No, thanks. I’ll go now.”
Tasya   : “ Ok, thanks.”
Angga : “ Take a rest, Arisa.”
Arisa   : “ Yes, be carefull Angga.”

Day by day is gone. Everytihing’s change.

At school
Karin   : “ Hey, Arisa. I noticed you, don’t disturb me and Angga anymore.”
Arisa   : “ What are you talking about ?”
Cindy  : “ Don’t you know that you always disturb Angga and Karin. You can make them apart so it will better if you go away. So far away.”
Arisa   : “ What ? He’s my bestfriend ?
Karin   : “ Really ? Well, I will make you as his big enemy.”
Sisil     : “ And he will hate you.”
Arisa   : “ You’re mad.”
Karin   : “ YOU.....”
Arisa   : “ I’m sorry, I have so many job now.”
Cindy  : “ Arisaaaaaa”
              “ Karin, she is so rude with you.”
Karin   : “ I will make it happen, Arisa Kinashita.”
Sisil     : “ Make what ?”
K & C : “ What the hell.”
Sisil     : (stupefied)

At class
Karin   : (crying)
Angga : “ Why are you crying ?”
Karin   : “ Honey.”
Angga : “ Tell me why.”
Karin   : “ Arisa. She is so rude. She said that she don’t like if you are with me always.She is jealous.”
Angga : “ No, She is not like that.”
Karin   : “ So, you think that I was lie, right ? No, Angga. It’s real.”
Angga : “ But...”
Karin   : “ You know, she loved you so long. But, when she knew that you loved me, she started hate me and made a plan to avoided us.”
Angga : “ What ? Where do you know. It’s not true.”
Karin   : “ She said to me. If you don’t believe. You can ask Sisil and Cindy.”
Angga : “.........”
Karin   : “ Angga, she is not a good friend. Believe in me, please. Avoid her. Don’t  worry, I’m here with you. And you know, she always hurted me.”
Angga : “ She hurt you ? Oh no, it’s too bad. I will warn her.”
Karin   : “ Yeah.”
Angga : “ So, don’t crying. Smiling please.”
Karin   : “ Ok.”

Angga’s phone is ringing
Angga : “ Daddy’s calling. Wait a minute, Karin.”
Angga is out the class

Angga        : “ Hello, Dad.”
Mr. Andy   : “ Hello, Angga. I’m sorry for disturb your day, son. I’ll visit your                                    grandma now because I have some business there. Maybe, I will                                   home at 9 pm.”
Angga        : “ OK, take care yourself Dad. Send my love for grandma.”
Mr. Andy   : “ You too, son. Have a nice study. Bye.”
Angga : “ Bye “

When Angga will back to the class, he see Arisa.  And Karin aproach to Angga.
Arisa   : “...............”
Karin   : “ Honey.”
Angga : “ What are you doing here ?”
Karin   : “ Nothing, come on to the class.”
Angga : (staring at Arisa)
Arisa   : (smile)
Angga and Karin go to the class.

Arisa   : “ Angga, I miss you so much.”

In the class, Angga seems think about something. For some minutes, he takes her phone and text someone.
Arisa   : “ One message from... Angga ? He wants me to meet her in the park at 8 am                          tomorrow morning. What’s happened ? But, it’s ok.”
Arisa text Angga back to gives her respon.

Tomorrow morning at the park

Arisa   : “ How are you, Angga ?”
Angga : “ Fine.”
Arisa   : “ So ?”
Angga : “ I have no much time to talk with you long. I wish, you will keep away from  me.”
Arisa   : “ No, no... You must be kidding.”
Angga : “ I’m serious. And never disturb me and Karin. Never touch her or I will  make you regret.”
Arisa   : “ No, we’re best friend. What happened with you, Angga ?”
Angga : “ I don’t care.” ( leaving Arisa)
Arisa   : “ Angaaaaaa... Don’t go. Ouch ( Arisa got headache. And she’s fainted)

At home
Tasya   : “ Ouh, where are you Arisa ? It’s 3 pm but she doesn’t go home yet.
Finally Tasya go out and try to look for her sister. When she walkked at the park, she saw someone laid down.
Tasya   : “ Arisa !!” Tasya was aproaching Arisa.
Tasya   : (surprised) “ Bloods ? Arisa ! Wake up, sista. What’s happened with you ?”
And then Tasya took Arisa to the hospital soon.

At Angga’s house
Mr. Andy   : “ Are you Ok, son ? you look so upset.”
Angga        : “ Nothing.”
Mr. Andy   : “ Do you have a problem ? You can trust  me.”
Angga        : “ No, I just felt tired. I’m gonna sleep now.”
Mr. Andy   : “ Are you sure ?”
Angga        : “ Sure. Bye Dad.”
Mr. Andy   : “ Ok, if it what you want to.”

At hospita
Tasya   : “ Doctor, what happened with my sister ?”
Doctor : “ Please, come to my room.”

In the Doctor’s room
Doctor : “ Based on the examination, you sister suffer last stage of leukimia.”
Tasya   : “ What ? Leucimia ? No, it’s impossible. She is well.” (shocked)
Doctor : “ I know what you feel. But this is the fact. Be patient Miss Tasya. You must be calm down. Arisa needs your support now as her sister.”
Tasya   : “ Yes, you’re right. But how long the rest of her life ?”
Doctor : “ Up to a month. It’s only based on the analysis but everything hands of the God.”
Tasya   : “ What I have to do now, Doctor Susan ?”
Doctor : “ Just pray and optimized. We will do the best treatment.”
Tasya   : “ Please do it, Doctor. Please, save my sister.I don’t want to miss her.”
Doctor : “ Of course.”
After Tasya listened about the examination result, she go back to the Arisa’s room.

Arisa   : “ Good afternoon, sista. What did Doctor Susan said about me ? What do I suffer from  ?”
Tasya   : “ mmm, it’s just cold.”
Arisa   : “ Cold ? Really ?”
Tasya   : “ Of course.”
Arisa   : “ You can lie to me. You are so bad for it. Come on, tell me the truth.”
Tasya   : “ What...What do you mean ? I don’t lie.”
Arisa   : “ I’m your sister so I know you well.”
Tasya   : “ Ok.. Ok. You... You suffer leukimia at the last stage.”
Arisa   : “................... so, how long the rest of my life ?”
Tasya   : “ What are you saying ? I’ll find away to help you.”
Arisa   : “ Please, tell me.”
Tasya   : “ Arisa........”
              “ The doctor told me, it’s just about a month.”
Arisa   : “ Oh. Hey Tasya, please don’t be sad. Look, I’m fine.”
Tasya   : “...........................”

Tomorrow morning at school.

Karin   : “ Hahaaha, well down. You’re very great yesterday. Arisa looked so sad. It was sadden.”
Sisil     : “ Alright Karin. You’re great very very much, babe.”
Cindy  : “ You have succesfully made Angga hate Arisa.”
Karin   : “ Don’t call me Karin if I couldn’t do that.”
Unconciously, Angga heard what Karin, Cindy, and Sisil ar talking about.
Angga : “ What ? It’s just your trick, Karin ?
Angga is so furious . Actually, he really wants to hit Karin but he handle it.
Angga : “ I have to meet Arisa.”
Angga is tring to meet Arisa however he meet Arisa’s classmate. She told Angga that Arisa is sick.
Angga : “ Arisa is sick. How stupid you are Angga. It must be my fault. What I have done ?”
Angga go in hurry and cross the road carelessly. As the result, there is a truck in a high speed from the cross road and BRRRAAAAKKKK..... It hit Angga.

A few minute later
Mr. Andy   : “ Yes, sir. This is me, Mr. Andy.”
Mr. Andy looks shock.
Mr. Andy   : “ What, my son got an accident ? Ok, I’ll go there as soon as possible.”

Mr. Andy go to the hospital to see Angga.
Mr. Andy   : “ How is my son ?”
Doctor        : “ The impact on his heaad cause his optical nerve disturbed. He is blind.”
Mr. Andy   : “ Is he blind ? Couldn’t he see again ?”
Doctor        : “ He cold see again if he got a suitable donor for his eyes.”
Mr. Andy   : ( Hopeless)
Doctor        : “ Well, sir. Excuse me.”
Mr Andy so disappointed with this situation. He thinks that Angga will be so sad.

A week later

Mr. Andy   : “ Angga, God bless you. You’ve recovered.”
Angga        : “ Daddy, Where am I ? Why it’s so dark here ?”
Mr. Andy   : “ Be patient, Angga.”
Angga        : “ What’s happened with me, Dad ?”
Mr. Andy   : “ You got an accident last week. Because of that you’re blind now.”
Angga        : “ No, Dad. I don’t wanna be a blind boy.” ( being frustated)
Mr. Andy   : “ Keep calm, son. I’ll find a donor for you. Trusst me.”
Angga        : “ Daddy, I want to meet Arisa.”
Mr. Andy   : “ But......”
Angga        : “ Please, Dad. Please call Tasya and ask her where Arisa is.”
Mr. Andy   : “ Ok. Wait a minute.”
Mr. Andy go out from the room to call Tasya. Fortunately, he meets  her in front of the room.

Mr. Andy   : “ Tasya ?”
Tasya          : “ Mr. Andy, what are you doing here ?”
Mr. Andy   : “ Angga got an accident. He really wants to meet Arisa.”
Tasya          : “ Got an accident ? How come ?”
Mr. Andy   : “ I’ll tell you later. So, where iss your yunger sister ?”
Tasya          : “ Oh, please go with me,Sir.”

At Arisa’s room
Mr. Andy   : “ Oh my God, what’s wrong with you Arisa ?”
Tasya          : ( She is going to cry)
Arisa           : ( She is smiling) Nothing, I’m Ok.”
Mr. Andy   : “ What does she suffer from ?”
Tasya          : “ She is suffering leukimia.” (crying)
Mr. Andy   : “ Leukimia ?”
Tasya          : “ Yes, she is last stage of leukimia.”
Mr. Andy   : “ You must be kidding. How come ?”
Arisa           : “ Don’t worry Mr. Andy. I’m fine.”
Mr. Andy   : “ You’re a strong girl.”
Arisa           : “ How do you know that I’m here ?”
Mr. Andy   : “ I met your sister just now when I wanted to call her to ask you. You know, Angga really want to see you.”
Arisa           : “ Is he here ? Is he ill ?
Mr. Andy   : “ Yes, he got an accident last week and her eyes were blind.”
Arisa           : “ What ?”
Mr. Andy   : “ Oh no.. Take me to him. I wanna see Angga right now.”
Tasya          : “ Not now Tasya. You’re not too strong now.”
Arisa           : “ I don’t have too much time, please.”
Mr. Andy   : “ That’s right Arisa. Take a rest well.  Don’ worry, He’s Ok.
                        You can see Angga if you feel better.”
Arisa           : “ But... “
Mr. Andy   : “ Angga will be sad if he knows your condition now. So, take a rest to be better. Ok !”

The next week

Karin          : “ Hi, Angga.”
Angga        : “ Karin ? Why do you come here ? GO OUT NOW !”
Karin          : “ What’s wrong with you ?”
Angga        : “ I have known what you have done. You want to make me and Arisa apart. You’re so cruel. GO NOW !”
Karin          : “ Wooowh, you have known it. Great ! Now, you know how silly you are, right ?”
Angga        : “ Damn you !”
Cindy         : “ Hey Angga, you don’t know that Arisa has hurted Karin.”
Sisil            : “ Right, and it’s not enough for Arisa.”
Karin          : “ Thats right, guys. I hate Arisa because of her, Anton left me. So, I                                 would make her miss his lovely boy.”
Angga        : “ You’re wrong Karin. Arisa never loved Anton.”
Karin          : “ Oh, I don’t care. She’s my big enemy forever.”
Angga        : “ GET OUT NOW !! We break up !”
Karin          : “ Really ? Oh. I’m so sad hahaha. That’s great boy. I don’t need you                                          again, blind boy.”
Cindy &     : “ That’s right Karin.”
Karin          : “ Let;s go girl. Bye bye Angga.”
Karin cs left Angga who was getting angry ang Angga felt so sorry wit Arisa.

Arisa’s room
Tasya          : (scream out) “ Doctor.... Help me... Doctor!”
Doctor        : “ Keep calm.”
Tasya          : “ Help my sister, doctor.”
Arisa           : “ I know my time will over. Doctor, I need you to do something for me.”
Doctor        : “ What can I do for you ?”
Arisa           : “ Give my eyes to Angga. You said that my eyes were suitable for Angga, right ?”
Tasya          : “ No, Arisa. You must be strong. Don’t leave me please.”
Arisa           : “ Tasya, keep smiling. Promise me. I’ll always inside your heart.”
Tasya          : “ Doctor, please do something.”
Doctor        : “ Miss Tasya. I think we must grant her request.Her condition is so serious bad.”
Arisa           : “ Tasya, please let me.”
Tasya          : “ Ok..Ok.” (crying)

Angga’s room
Mr. Andy   : “ Angga, you have got a donor.”
Angga        : “ Really Dad, who is that ?”
Mr. Andy   : “ You’ll know it later.”
The operation has been successfully done. However, Arisa has gone and she will never come back. She is passed away.
Doctor        : “ The operation has been successful. But Arisa couldn’t survive.”
Tasya          : “ Arisa,,, why do you live in a short time ?”
Mr. Andy   : “ Tasya, be patient.”
Tasya          : “ Arisa really loves Angga.”
Mr. Andy   : “ Yes, I know. She has done many things for Angga. I’m really thankful.”
Doctor        : “ I’m sorry, this is the letter that Arisa gave to me before the operation.”
Tasya          : “ Thanks, Doctor.

Two weeks later. Angga has been recovered.
Doctor        : “ Please, wink your eyes !”
Angga        : “ Daddy, I can see again.”
Mr. Andy   : “ Thanks God.”
Tasya          : “ Congratulation Angga.”
Angga        : “ Tasya, where is Arisa ? Why she don’t with me ?”
Tasya          : “ Read this letter and you will know.”

Angga feel so sad after read the letter from Arisa
Angga        : “ No, Arisa. Why do you leave me ? I haven’t met you.”
Mr. Andy   : “ Keep calm, son.”
Angga        : “ I’ve hurt her. I haven’t apologize yet.”
Tasya          : “ She must has forgiven you because she loves you much and please keep that etes for her.”

A week later, Angga has been home. He goes to Arisa’s resting place.
Angga        : “ Arisa, pease forgive me. I must have known that you’re the best for me and I know how stupid I am. I promise to keep your eyes. Rest in piece Arisa. I love you.”


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